Beyond the Basics: Unconventional Ways to Improve Your Mental Health
Guest blog by Lucille Rosetti.
“He hit me first!”
Putting Down the Judgment Paddle: A Lesson in Acceptance
The school of life is relentless in its teachings, and right now, I find myself enrolled in an advanced course. The energies are swirling and people are reporting feeling sped up and dizzy. There is a lot of fear and aggression in the air and everyone seems to have an opinion about everyone else.
Shushed and Shunned No More
As social creatures we learn from a very young age what is acceptable to our fellow humans and what isn’t. When we are children, we are taking in the world without filters – absorbing the patterns and thoughts of those around us. Our energy system begins to form and categorize our beliefs, which later shape our realities. We use our energy systems to form our lives through our vibrations.
Life: Must be Present to Win
Manifesting with Presence
Presence can help you manifest what you desire faster and more efficiently.
Are You Trapped in a Hurtful Cycle?
We've all been there: clinging to a fading relationship, a draining job, or a worn-out belief. It's a natural human tendency to resist change and hold onto what we know, even when it's no longer serving us. But what if letting go isn't about loss, but rather about making space for something new and beautiful?
Vibration Over Location: The Key to Manifesting Your Desires
Where will I meet my new love? Where should I move to? Where should I put my business? The thing that I want to get across to you it is not about location, it is about your vibration.
Chakra Communication - 1st and 2nd Chakras
When balanced, your emotions might signal when something is off with your survival needs. For instance, you may feel scared, worried, or uneasy about finances or your home. This is your inner call to "pay attention." Another example is how your need for species survival is connected to your sexual impulses, even if it's not about procreation. Your survival instincts might reassure your emotional center, telling it to "calm down" rather than "pay attention."
From Setbacks to Success: How Overcoming Challenges Fuels Personal Growth
Facing challenges head-on can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation.
Whether you’re starting a new business or navigating life’s hurdles, embracing these obstacles can lead to profound self-discovery and empowerment.
The Vibrational Meanings of a Craving
When your body craves something, it is typically craving an experience of some sort. Whether it be something sweet, a beer, a cigarette, or just an apple, what your body really wants is the vibration of taking in that experience. Exploring the craving with a bigger mindset, might help you shift your cravings into healthier things.
The Energetic Importance of Authentic Acts of Service
If you know me, you know I find myself getting mixed up in all kinds of "acts of service". Most of these are useful to the world and give back to me as I give. However, there are some acts of service I find myself doing out of obligation or out of fear that if I don't do it no one will, and it must be done.
When I look at the energetic imprint of both types of service I clearly can see that the times when I do things out of an authentic desire to be of service is the times that both the receiver of my service and myself truly get the gift I am intending to give. However, on the flip side, when I act in service out of obligation I am blocking both myself and the receiver from everything but the feeling of obligation.
What's on your mind (and your body)?
Those thoughts you have in your head are constantly broadcasting within you. Who is your biggest fan and listener? Your body. Your body stores the information it receives from your emotional and mental fields and starts talking back. Your body is constantly sending you signals, whether you're paying attention or not, about what is going on in your mental and emotional life. It's time to tune in and start listening.
You Can't Go Anywhere Until You Are Somewhere
Ever feel like you're constantly chasing the next big thing? New job, new relationship, new you? While setting goals is important, sometimes we forget to appreciate where we already are and where we have been. We're so busy chasing that next achievement, that we miss out on the joy of the present moment. We also miss out on the opportunity to launch from where we are, rather than from where we have been.
Heart Chakra
Pay attention to your heart chakra and see what you can manifest. This is the chakra that is at the chest area somewhere around the heart, spins clockwise in a green color. This is where you store information about your affinity for things, being loved, lovable and loving.
From Routine to Inspired: Daily Habits to Rekindle Your Creativity
Creativity serves as the heartbeat of innovation and personal expression. Whether you are an artist, a writer, or an entrepreneur, the ability to harness and rejuvenate your creative energies is essential for success.
Are You Afraid to Explore The Taboo?
This week, a client asked me about overcoming fear surrounding their newfound interest in metaphysics. She expressed concern that her friends and family would think she has lost her way or is getting into something scammy. I get it, fear of the unknown is real, especially with metaphysical mysteries. She wanted to explore energy healing and her own intuition, but she was concerned it would break the rules that she was living by in her family, religion, and friends.
How to Break Free from a Creative Slump and Thrive
If you’re experiencing a creative slump, you may be feeling overwhelmed or hopeless. For many creatives, this can be a time of stress, but it’s important to view it as an opportunity to break free and try something new. This comprehensive guide, offers actionable steps to rejuvenate your creative energies. Consistently applying these strategies can transform your creative process and output.
How to Feel Worthy, Even When Rejected
Unemployment, divorce, or any kind of life experience where you feel rejected can feel devastating to your manifesting space. If you let it, these kinds of experiences can leave you feeling victimized, wounded, and unworthy to have the world work in your favor.
There are periods when we can also get convinced people only like us for what we can give them, not because they authentically like us. We get angry because we feel used and alone in our most vulnerable times of need.
But this doesn't have to be a blow to the manifester inside and in fact, can actually strengthen your abilities to create an authentic life.
What is the healing lesson in this?!
Often times people ask me, "Why the heck did I attract this? What could I possibly learn from this experience?" To that I always respond (generally with a giggle) "Oh so much!" And I am not just being optimistic.
Here are some tips to identify the root issues of your patterns.
Working with The Energy of Time
Time is just another tool in your perceptual toolbox. Play around with various time keeping tools, blocking off times of day for specific tasks you might not otherwise felt you could get to. You will seem, all of the sudden you have time for that thing you never thought you would.
Leanne’s Reading List - The Best Books in Self Exploration
I have so many book recommendations I can hardly get them all down. I will add to this list as more ideas come to me. Please note the links below are Amazon affiliate links, but you can find a lot of these books at your local libraries. Of course, I would always encourage you to check out my book too!