Healing Through Intuition

Learn more about what you are doing to manifest the life you have and what you can improve to manifest the life you want. Using compassionate wisdom, you can learn a lot about yourself by listening to other people’s energy.

This class is 8 weeks long, Meeting weekly for 2 hours.

Next One:

TBD Thursday evenings from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Mountain Time.

This course is offered as a hybrid, virtual and in-person at 18 Garden Center Broomfield, CO 80020

The class is part three of a series designed to cover the basics of your intuitive “machine”. Part three opens up the idea of healing through your inner witness and not just reading energy. We will be working on healing/reading each other as well as people you don't know. 

We will cover:

  1. Reading vs. Healing

  2. Havingness

  3. Unpacking thoughts

  4. How to ask questions of the guides

  5. How to avoid sending yourself or others into a healing crisis

Prerequisite: Energy Reading 102 or a personal application

Offered in-person at The Healing Studio and virtually.

This class will give you the opportunity to:

  • Learn helpful tools to feeling empowered to work with subtle energies

  • Work with open-minded people to explore auras and subtle energy fields

  • Find your original, authentic self and be more of that openly in your daily life

Bonus to future graduates:

Auditing is available for previous students any time the class is offered.