The Vibrational Meanings of a Craving

When your body craves something, it is typically craving an experience of some sort. Whether it be something sweet, a beer, a cigarette, or just an apple, what your body really wants is the vibration of taking in that experience. Exploring the craving with a bigger mindset, might help you shift your cravings to healthier things.

For example, for some people, smoking becomes the only time they stop and take a minute for themselves. So, when they try and quit, they can't because they aren't giving themselves this experience any other way.

Decode Your Emotions

Look for the metaphors. Nothing is bad in moderation. We are just seeking to improve our relationship with the quantity of what we take in.

Here are some examples of what you might really be looking for:

  • Sweet Foods - Feeling disconnected from pleasure

  • Fatty Foods - Feeling ungrounded or too fast

  • Salty Foods - Feeling stressed or depleted

  • Alcohol (depends on the type) - Feeling too much negativity

  • Sex - Feeling disconnected from spirit

Meet Your Needs

Once you have identified the need, you might have a different approach to how you meet that need. Seek intentional vibrations that might help you listen closely to yourself and meet your needs in an empowering way.

Below are some vibrational tools to address a craving you might have.

  • Comfort and Security: Feel into the space around you. Notice healing streams surrounding your entire energy field, arm’s length around you in all directions. Feel a solid sense of having your own space. Picture a beautiful color around that bubble that protects you.

  • Grounding and Stability: Notice your connection to the earth by imagining a cord, as wide as your hips, that reaches from your tailbone to the center of the earth. It looks like a DNA strand, drawing information from you down into the earth and back up into your body with nourishing energy.

  • Stress Relief: Notice a gold Möbius strip (see image) that is moving above your head. It is magnetized to your energy and it calls all of your energy back from all directions of time and space. The movement of the strip cleanses the energy. Then notice it drop into the top of your head dissolving back into your energy. Notice all five of your senses and get as present as possible.

  • Relaxation and Social Connection: Feel into the space around your heart, just below your rib cage. Invoke thoughts of gratitude and love. Imagine sending that love first inward to yourself and then out like a beautiful web of energy.

  • Excitement and Stimulation: Seek out inspiring connections where you can share positive experiences and feel seen. Find a community to support you in your growth. Find a mentor or a motivational speaker who inspires you.

Intentions Matter

When you start to pay attention to your cravings in a mindful way, you will begin to have a more empowering relationship with them. Intentionally working with those cravings, whether you give in to them or not, will elevate your experience with what you are doing. If you set the intention to do what is in the highest and greatest good for you and all involved, you will see a big difference in how your cravings serve you.

If it makes sense to give in to that craving, do it with a vibrational request. You have amazing biological technology in your cells! They listen to your environment, your thoughts, and your intentions. If you take something in and you say to yourself “I shouldn’t do this, it is bad for me” it will be bad for you. Be careful with what you think as you ingest things.

Meditation Time!

Get Some Physical Tools


The Energetic Importance of Authentic Acts of Service