Are You Afraid to Explore The Taboo?

This week, a client asked me about overcoming fear surrounding their newfound interest in metaphysics. She expressed concern that her friends and family would think she has lost her way or is getting into something scammy.  I get it, fear of the unknown is real, especially with metaphysical mysteries. She wanted to explore energy healing and her own intuition, but she was concerned it would break the rules that she was living by in her family, religion, and friends.

In case you are new to the concept of metaphysics yourself, metaphysics is basically the study of the big questions about reality. It delves into what exists, the nature of existence, and fundamental concepts like time, space, and consciousness. It's like philosophy's attempt to understand the building blocks of reality itself. Sometimes it involves exploring subjects that can feel socially taboo in certain lifestyles.

It's interesting how often we perceive new ideas as strange or unacceptable. Would you apologize for delving deeper into your faith or pursuing a career change? Maybe if it felt unfamiliar and unlike your past self. But that's the beauty of growth, isn't it? To shed the "old you" stuck in repetitive patterns and embrace what truly resonates. You've found something that sparks your soul, and that's worth celebrating. No apologies are needed.

Building Authentic Connections

Here's the thing, the people around you might reflect the version of yourself you're leaving behind. This could mean seeking new connections or embracing patient growth within existing relationships. The key is understanding that it doesn't signify a flaw in you. Nor does it mean that you were wrong for thinking the way you did before you discovered this new thing.

As you embark on new relationships, even the new relationships that are old but need revamping, be upfront about who you are now, not who you think others want you to be. That was the past. The present you is proud of your journey and excited for the future. Building connections rooted in authenticity allows for deeper, more fulfilling relationships. Remember, the "real you" is a gift many will cherish.

Confronting Your Fears

If expressing yourself feels unsafe, explore the "why." What's the worst-case scenario, and how likely is it? Do you believe your authentic self is unlovable, or that the world can't handle your truth? Maybe you think you are going to be rejected or have divine consequences.

Perhaps the world struggles more with the inauthenticity you project, the masks you wear. Maybe your connections share your same fears and desires. These illusions of fear, “have tos” and “shoulds” hinder your fulfillment. True presence and authenticity are key to living the life you desire.

Embrace What Works, Drop the Rest

Whether it is a metaphysical thing you are pursuing or just something new and outside of your comfort zone, be willing to be open and curious. Ask questions of those who seem to be further along the path, but check their input against your authentic truth. Take only what you need and leave the rest for those who need it.

If you get into something that scares you, find a professional who can help you find the light in the subject. Often times the fears we project onto the unknown are completely false and unfounded. There are a lot of untrue stigmas out there about pretty much everything. Seek out your own truth and drop the rest.


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