Toxic Positivity - The Dark Side of The Law of Attraction Movement

In my work as an intuitive healer, I am finding that the law of attraction lesson is stressing people out. They are hearing that the things that have happened to them in their lives are because of them. And instead of vibing up, they are then turning on themselves, beating themselves up, rather than loving themselves in a positive direction.

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Body, Balance, Self Worth, Emotions Leanne Body, Balance, Self Worth, Emotions Leanne

Guest Blog: Health + Wellness = Your Best Weapon Against Obesity

The bank determines your creditworthiness via your credit score. Likewise, your BMI can put your overall health into perspective. A number between 18 and 25 means that, weight-wise, you’re in pretty good shape. Higher than that and you fall into the overweight range. Once your body mass index hits 30, you are officially considered obese. But you don’t have to let those numbers continue to climb—or scare you. Through a combination of wellness-focused activities, you can take control of your overall health and wellness and beat the scale into submission. Here are a few tips to get you started.

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Believe in Yourself - Transmute Those Insecurities

As far as I can tell, low self-esteem is a real epidemic. People are running around feeling bad about themselves or pretending to be better than others, or both. It causes problems in relationships, anxiety disorders, the inability to make decisions or achieve goals. It brings people to act smug to each other, keep secrets and hold grudges.

Why are we feeling so terrible about ourselves? Don't we all deserve to feel good about ourselves, no matter what anyone else is doing? Let's tackle those insecurities! This is part of that awesome shadow work we could all benefit from doing more of.

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