Beyond the Basics: Unconventional Ways to Improve Your Mental Health
Guest blog by Lucille Rosetti.
“He hit me first!”
Putting Down the Judgment Paddle: A Lesson in Acceptance
The school of life is relentless in its teachings, and right now, I find myself enrolled in an advanced course. The energies are swirling and people are reporting feeling sped up and dizzy. There is a lot of fear and aggression in the air and everyone seems to have an opinion about everyone else.
Life: Must be Present to Win
Manifesting with Presence
Presence can help you manifest what you desire faster and more efficiently.
From Setbacks to Success: How Overcoming Challenges Fuels Personal Growth
Facing challenges head-on can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation.
Whether you’re starting a new business or navigating life’s hurdles, embracing these obstacles can lead to profound self-discovery and empowerment.
The Vibrational Meanings of a Craving
When your body craves something, it is typically craving an experience of some sort. Whether it be something sweet, a beer, a cigarette, or just an apple, what your body really wants is the vibration of taking in that experience. Exploring the craving with a bigger mindset, might help you shift your cravings into healthier things.
The Energetic Importance of Authentic Acts of Service
If you know me, you know I find myself getting mixed up in all kinds of "acts of service". Most of these are useful to the world and give back to me as I give. However, there are some acts of service I find myself doing out of obligation or out of fear that if I don't do it no one will, and it must be done.
When I look at the energetic imprint of both types of service I clearly can see that the times when I do things out of an authentic desire to be of service is the times that both the receiver of my service and myself truly get the gift I am intending to give. However, on the flip side, when I act in service out of obligation I am blocking both myself and the receiver from everything but the feeling of obligation.
You Can't Go Anywhere Until You Are Somewhere
Ever feel like you're constantly chasing the next big thing? New job, new relationship, new you? While setting goals is important, sometimes we forget to appreciate where we already are and where we have been. We're so busy chasing that next achievement, that we miss out on the joy of the present moment. We also miss out on the opportunity to launch from where we are, rather than from where we have been.
Are You Afraid to Explore The Taboo?
This week, a client asked me about overcoming fear surrounding their newfound interest in metaphysics. She expressed concern that her friends and family would think she has lost her way or is getting into something scammy. I get it, fear of the unknown is real, especially with metaphysical mysteries. She wanted to explore energy healing and her own intuition, but she was concerned it would break the rules that she was living by in her family, religion, and friends.
How to Feel Worthy, Even When Rejected
Unemployment, divorce, or any kind of life experience where you feel rejected can feel devastating to your manifesting space. If you let it, these kinds of experiences can leave you feeling victimized, wounded, and unworthy to have the world work in your favor.
There are periods when we can also get convinced people only like us for what we can give them, not because they authentically like us. We get angry because we feel used and alone in our most vulnerable times of need.
But this doesn't have to be a blow to the manifester inside and in fact, can actually strengthen your abilities to create an authentic life.
What is the healing lesson in this?!
Often times people ask me, "Why the heck did I attract this? What could I possibly learn from this experience?" To that I always respond (generally with a giggle) "Oh so much!" And I am not just being optimistic.
Here are some tips to identify the root issues of your patterns.
Working with The Energy of Time
Time is just another tool in your perceptual toolbox. Play around with various time keeping tools, blocking off times of day for specific tasks you might not otherwise felt you could get to. You will seem, all of the sudden you have time for that thing you never thought you would.
Thanks to the Rock Bottom
We have all heard the down and out stories of how people hit rock bottom and that was the catalyst for the rising up. We have heard those stories of triumph over the impossible negativity we see in the world. We are overcoming little "rock bottoms" all of the time. It is our success over our struggles that gives us the trust in ourselves to take risks and carry on. It is the success in our moments of weakness, that remind us of our strength.
Sympathy, Empathy and all Things in Between
If you are an empath, you know first hand how everyone is feeling because you feel it too. Empaths have the ability to sense a room with their own senses. They don’t just observe what is happening, they feel it. This can be a blessing and a curse.
The blessing is, you tend to be very compassionate and willing to see someone else’s side of things. The curse is you sometimes can’t tell the difference between your feelings and someone else’s. Learning to manage your empathetic side can turn this skill into a healing gift. Learn more about how to use this gift in my course on energy healing.
Communication Issues
Communication is often the root of our problems with others. We may misunderstand what someone says, or they may misunderstand us. This can lead to conflict and resentment.
But what about the way we communicate with ourselves? Do we always listen to our own thoughts, feelings, and needs? Or do we often ignore or deny them?
When we don't communicate effectively with ourselves, it can lead to problems in all areas of our lives. We may make poor decisions, feel stressed or anxious, or have difficulty achieving our goals.
Working with My Stories to Manifest
Here are a few tips for upgrading your story:
Focus on what you liked about your story. What are the good things in your life? What are you grateful for?
Allow your negative feelings to be validated and transform into your strength. Know you can come back from these hard places over and over. Not that you want to, but you absolutely can!
Ask for help and let others give you compliments. Let others tell you what they admire about you. Let them share what they think is so great about your story.
Allow others to live their best lives the way they see fit. Stop judging everyone else for what they are or are not doing. Focus on yourself and what you want.
The Energy of Betrayal - A Fifth Dimensional Approach
Let's get real, no one goes through life without the sting of betrayal. It is part of the journey we are on. As you become more aware of the concept that you create your own reality, you must also take responsibility for everything you experience as something you have created.
Do nothing
The magic lies in the co-creation space with source. Think of it this way, if you asked a friend to help you paint a wall, and everywhere your friend when you went with your paint supplies and painted there too, eventually the friend would just stop trying to paint and step back and let you do it all on your own. It might even make the friend a little offended that you didn’t trust them.
Do you know what you asked for?
The Tao Te Ching says "The way takes no action, but leaves nothing undone." This simply means that just by being where you are you will automatically go where you are headed next. Let yourself rest in knowing this and relax. Hold off on requests from the universe for just a minute and see what is already unfolding at your feet.
Why am I surrounded by idiots?
People spend a lot of time in my office asking me "Why do I keep attracting this?!" The interesting part of the law of attraction, etc. is that the more we ask that question, the more opportunities we have to answer it with those things we keep attracting. We attract more and more of the things we find so irritating until we figure out why it is we find it irritating, to begin with.
This is a difficult concept for people to get when it comes to the teachings of this manifestation magic. They want to believe they are a victim of their life. Maybe because it is easier than taking full responsibility. Maybe it is because they don't know where to start if they have to think they are the point of focus. Or maybe it has something to do with fitting in with other people who are struggling to manifest the old ways. Whatever the reason people want to reject this idea, is the very reason they are having these experiences.
Learn your lesson already!
We often dismiss the whispers. Why? Well, it can be for a variety of reasons, but mostly because we are stuck in one way of being. Until we are ready to adopt a new way of being, we tend to try and stick with our standard plans.
When something comes along and knocks you off of your axis, you tend to throw our arms up and say "why does this always happen to me?" You might try and still cling to the old way of being and responding, making it even harder on yourself and daring the universe to knock you over again. And undoubtedly it will.