Time for Profound Change
The Light Council
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The Light Council Transmissions: A Guiding Light for Spiritual Seekers 🌟
In these rapidly changing times, you may find yourself searching for deeper meaning, clarity, and a sense of peace. If you’re a seeker, an explorer, or someone who questions the deeper truths of existence, you are warmly invited to join The Light Council Transmissions—a sacred space for receiving wisdom beyond the physical realm.
The Light Council is a collective of non-physical, intelligent beings who view our world through a multi-dimensional lens. Through the channeling of Leanne Holitza, they offer profound insights on topics that shape our human experience—fear, relationships, money, food, war, and the energetic shifts affecting us all.
By tuning into these transmissions, you will:
✨ Receive higher wisdom to navigate life’s transitions with ease.
✨ Shift from fear into the vibration of love and possibility.
✨ Gain fresh perspectives that expand your consciousness.
✨ Connect with a supportive, like-minded spiritual community.
The messages shared are not just words—they are activations, transmissions of energy designed to help you thrive in these transformative times. Are you ready to take a seat at the table and see the world through a new lens?
The Light Council Project E-Book
The first three years of launching the channeling project with Leanne Holitza during a worldwide pandemic.

Join the Recording Studio
As a member, you can join a Zoom, 10 am Mountain time on the Fourth Tuesday of every month to watch transmissions as they are done, live.

Additional Resources and Ideas for Exploration
The Five Tools of Protection
This healing meditation is a guided practice to set up your psychic protections for the day. The healing takes about five minutes and would be beneficial to do daily.
We can map brainwaves, chemicals in our blood, moods, and more that can map us directly back to our beliefs.
Imagine your beliefs as a pair of sunglasses. The world is full of color and possibility, but your sunglasses tint your perception.
Learning to unpack your programs helps you identify negative loops that get triggered under certain stimuli and make new choices around those loops.
We have already established that your beliefs are a powerful part of how and what you manifest. But once your undesired beliefs are uncovered, how do you change them?
In a nutshell, a program is a set of instructions, a recipe book of sorts, that tells your consciousness how to perform under certain circumstances.
First, you want to find your unconscious beliefs. We have dug into this a bit already, but this might take some time because the very definition of unconscious means you don’t have conscious access to it.
Tell people what you are trying to change and ask them to help hold you accountable. Put it on your phone as a reminder. Post it on your mirror in the morning. The more often you expose yourself to your intention of changing a belief, the more likely you are to actually do it.
Some of the resistance will come from your family and friends who also hold your old beliefs. Some of the resistance will come from within you as you stretch yourself to see something you have never seen before.
Your relationships are mirrors reflecting your own beliefs and energy. By cultivating high vibrating relationships you will attract and nurture connections that enrich your life and help you shift your beliefs to a more positive influence on yourself and others.
Your auric field is the complex electrical field of information that surrounds your body. It can be interacted with through touch, thought, and external influences.
The world is a bombardment of stimuli and interactions. The opportunity to feel overwhelmed, powerless, and taken advantage of is constant. This is where the idea of psychic protection comes in.
Allow in the Healing Streams of Energy: Connecting with Cosmic Healing Energy
This is the energy of negative thought forms and they are not as scary as they sound.
Bringing your energy back from all directions in time and space will center you in the NOW.
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Blog Posts
When is it time to reinvent yourself and start anew? How many times in our lifetime do we have to think about a new phase, a new process, a new you? Why do we even have to go there again and again? Because we are all about cycles, rhythms, and renewal. Our whole physical experience is about cycles and beginning and ending.
Step One: Identify the Habits of Identity
Your thoughts are not the same as your intuition. It can be difficult to discern the difference between the two. Your thoughts are a system of experiences, social conditioning, habits, and the attempt to preserve the ego. But here are some ways to evaluate your thoughts.
When you are in a time of transition, for example moving to a new house, new job, new relationship, etc. you are feeling unclear about where you are headed and nervous about what you are leaving behind. It is a gap between the known to the unknown. But the gap is where the freedom lies.
Right before you start that new job, you can release old patterns of being at work and start fresh. Right before you move to a new house, you can go through your things and clear out the things you no longer need. This is an excellent time to reevaluate, slow down, and recreate.
You are not yet in an automatic pattern or have gone unconscious with your day-to-day. What a great opportunity for awareness and intentionally creating new relationships with you day-to-day.
Many years ago, I was reading Dragonspell to my oldest son, when I ran across the perfect line. A line that I thought was so true I was inspired to blog on it. The line said "I'm changing so much on the inside. I keep learning things that seem to me I should have known all along."
How true this is? When you are in a self-transformation, the changes are happening in places no one can see, but everyone around you can feel. We are discovering things about ourselves and the world in a whole new way. Often, this new awareness and knowledge feel like things we should have known all along. Probably because we do know it, we just chose to keep it hidden until we were ready to remember.
Beliefs are powerful parts of our perception. What we believe to be true generally is.