“He hit me first!”

Putting Down the Judgment Paddle: A Lesson in Acceptance

The school of life is relentless in its teachings, and right now, I find myself enrolled in an advanced course. The energies are swirling and people are reporting feeling sped up and dizzy. There is a lot of fear and aggression in the air and everyone seems to have an opinion about everyone else.

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Authenticity, Grounding, Manifesting, Power, Present Moment The Beauty Shop / JenThomas Authenticity, Grounding, Manifesting, Power, Present Moment The Beauty Shop / JenThomas

You Can't Go Anywhere Until You Are Somewhere

Ever feel like you're constantly chasing the next big thing? New job, new relationship, new you? While setting goals is important, sometimes we forget to appreciate where we already are and where we have been. We're so busy chasing that next achievement, that we miss out on the joy of the present moment. We also miss out on the opportunity to launch from where we are, rather than from where we have been.

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How to Feel Worthy, Even When Rejected

Unemployment, divorce, or any kind of life experience where you feel rejected can feel devastating to your manifesting space. If you let it, these kinds of experiences can leave you feeling victimized, wounded, and unworthy to have the world work in your favor. 

There are periods when we can also get convinced people only like us for what we can give them, not because they authentically like us. We get angry because we feel used and alone in our most vulnerable times of need.

But this doesn't have to be a blow to the manifester inside and in fact, can actually strengthen your abilities to create an authentic life. 

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The Gap - Transitions

When you are in a time of transition, for example moving to a new house, new job, new relationship, etc. you are feeling unclear about where you are headed and nervous about what you are leaving behind. It is a gap between the known to the unknown. But the gap is where the freedom lies.

Right before you start that new job, you can release old patterns of being at work and start fresh. Right before you move to a new house, you can go through your things and clear out the things you no longer need. This is an excellent time to reevaluate, slow down, and recreate.

You are not yet in an automatic pattern or have gone unconscious with your day-to-day. What a great opportunity for awareness and intentionally creating new relationships with you day-to-day.

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Sympathy, Empathy and all Things in Between

If you are an empath, you know first hand how everyone is feeling because you feel it too. Empaths have the ability to sense a room with their own senses. They don’t just observe what is happening, they feel it. This can be a blessing and a curse.

The blessing is, you tend to be very compassionate and willing to see someone else’s side of things. The curse is you sometimes can’t tell the difference between your feelings and someone else’s. Learning to manage your empathetic side can turn this skill into a healing gift. Learn more about how to use this gift in my course on energy healing.

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Do you know what you asked for?

The Tao Te Ching says "The way takes no action, but leaves nothing undone." This simply means that just by being where you are you will automatically go where you are headed next. Let yourself rest in knowing this and relax. Hold off on requests from the universe for just a minute and see what is already unfolding at your feet. 

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Learn your lesson already!

We often dismiss the whispers. Why? Well, it can be for a variety of reasons, but mostly because we are stuck in one way of being. Until we are ready to adopt a new way of being, we tend to try and stick with our standard plans.

When something comes along and knocks you off of your axis, you tend to throw our arms up and say "why does this always happen to me?" You might try and still cling to the old way of being and responding, making it even harder on yourself and daring the universe to knock you over again. And undoubtedly it will.

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Energy Addictions and the Stories We Tell Ourselves

Not only do we tell our stories to others, but the stories we tell ourselves are the ones we can get most duped by. First, because we generally don't share our full stories with others we don't get called out on how false they are. Second, the voice we hear loudest is our own. Whatever the story is we tell ourselves, is the story we believe, defend and create in our lives.

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Grounding Leanne Grounding Leanne

Getting “through” It

Anxious feelings are common when you are going through a transition time and your life is changing, even if it is for the better. Our emotions can help us or keep us stuck, depending on what we do with them.

If you use your emotions to inform yourself, you can recognize the negative feelings are about resistance to what is because you are not in alignment with your authentic energy. If you your use emotions to drive a story deeper and reinforce the illusion that everything is happening to you, not with you, you will stay there for awhile until you are sick of yourself and stop resisting.

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Grounding, Body Leanne Grounding, Body Leanne

Guest Blog: 5 Steps for Enhancing a Yoga Practice Without Excessive Expenses

Yoga has the power to transform your life for the better. If you’ve taken a few classes here and there, you may already know this. And if you’ve practiced at home during the COVID-19 lockdown, you may have watched your skills grow. But when you’re ready to take your practice to a new level, you may be more concerned with how taking more classes and lessons will transform your budget. Yoga can be an expensive habit to maintain, but it doesn’t have to, especially when you use these budget-savvy steps to build a better yoga practice.

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Grounding, Manifesting, Power Leanne Grounding, Manifesting, Power Leanne

Fear & a bad case of the "What ifs"

It seems like a lifelong process to get past our fears. Fear starts when we are babies and continues through our life, dictating our actions and keeping us stuck in the search for peace from it. Our minds are very powerful and fear can be something that stops our manifesting minds in its tracks.

This current situation is no exception. We are naturally afraid of the unknown and we are in a serious case of “what next?” We are powerful creators and what happens next is unwritten. Now is the time to use our thoughts and energy to manifest our next steps with love.

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Good Energetic Hygiene - How to clean your own aura

Good energy hygiene is key to protecting yourself from negative, harmful energies of the world. Working with your subtle energy fields every day can boost your immune system, strengthen your relationships and enhance your daily life. Here are a couple of tips on clearing out your energy, that you can do all on your own, in a matter of minutes.

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Guest Blog: Four Self-Care Tips to Help You Be the Best Version of Yourself

The term “self-care” is often misunderstood as being synonymous with selfishness. Many hardworking people who are no stranger to self-sacrifice find it hard to see where they could fit self-care into their lives while they’re trying to provide for others. But the truth is, not taking the time to take care of ourselves can lead to exhaustion and high amounts of stress, and it can strain our relationships. In other words, taking care of yourself helps you take care of others. Here are four self-care tips that will help you be the best version of yourself—both for yourself and for others.

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