Learn your lesson already!
I have often been found saying that you don't have to learn your lessons the hard way, you choose to. This doesn't mean that some bad things don't just happen. But for the most part, the struggles that arrive in our life, especially with other people, often carry a lesson you have agreed to learn.
I believe we agree to teach each other things about the way things work and often times to agree to be pretty hard on each other until we do learn it. But it doesn’t start off difficult. The message is first whispered, then it is said loudly, and finally a ton of bricks are dropped on your head and it is screamed into your ear.
Dismissing the whispers
We often dismiss the whispers. Why? Well, it can be for a variety of reasons, but mostly because we are stuck in one way of being. Until we are ready to adopt a new way of being, we tend to try and stick with our standard plans.
When something comes along and knocks you off of your axis, you tend to throw our arms up and say "why does this always happen to me?" You might try and still cling to the old way of being and responding, making it even harder on yourself and daring the universe to knock you over again. And undoubtedly it will.
Learning the Lesson
So the question is, “how do I know what lessons I am trying to learn before I get knocked off my axis?” I don't have an easy answer for you, but I can give you a few tips on surrendering to the lesson rather than fighting against it.
Sometimes, you just have to experience what you are experiencing, rather than resist it, in order to learn your lesson. Even if we know what the lesson is, that doesn't mean it will teach it to us. It is like telling a child the basic concept of multiplication and then telling them to go do it. You need time to work with the lesson and implement it and in the mean time, more lessons about that topic may come.
Remove the victim
Life is a school for your ever ascending, expanding consciousness. Here is your opportunity to be more aware in your lessons rather than being victimized by them. You are not a victim. Your soul signed up for this and wants this experience.
Go easy on yourself. You can't expect a baby to know all about the world just because they are in it. It takes experiences and perceptions and the ability to self reflect to get the picture (and even that isn't the full picture).
If you are trying to learn a lesson to avoid the consequences of what you think is coming, you might be missing the point. You aren't learning the lesson, you are trying to manipulate the lesson. Be with the opportunity and empower yourself to be taught more gently.
Give yourself compassion. You are not going to always know right away why you did something. You may have to just trust that the clarity will come later and right now, you just need to be present to see when the messages come. Beating yourself up for not knowing or being in the situation to begin with only drives the pain and hurt deeper and gives you more to do later.
Your Soul’s Lesson Plan
This is where being present really counts. Because if you are bringing in the past, present, and hypothetical future into this issue, you could be clouding the lesson. Recognize you are where you are with the lesson and start from that point.
Anchor yourself in the now. This is where the lesson is being presented. Don't project into the future about the “what ifs.” Look at what is happening right now. Also notice what is not happening right now. Be present with your fears, feelings and thoughts. They are your road map to what you are trying to heal.
If you are afraid, ask why you are afraid. Drill in, find out where this fear is rooted in and allow yourself to ask "is this really happening or do I just think it might happen?"
Notice the Lessons
Notice the world around you and see what messages are trying to come through. Trust that these are your answers, regardless of the form they take. Often times they can come in the form or words from a friend, a book suggested by three different people, or even a song playing on the radio.
Don't rush through it. Don't make irrational choices just to hurry up and make something happen. People often try to get out of uncomfortable feelings by rushing through things or asking everyone they know for advice so they can say they "tried" to do the “right” thing. Remind yourself that this too shall pass and ride the wave the best you can.
Remember you can ask for help from your unseen realms. What ever your divine nature is drawn to pray to, they listen and they help. So send your love to your higher source (or your higher self) and ask for help. Ask for clarity, understanding and the grace to accept the lesson. Then listen for the answer.
You’ve got this! Pretty soon you will be past the lesson and teaching others all about it.
A Light Council Project transmission on relationships. To sign up to receive these transmissions go to https://www.insightfulinspirations.com/channeled.
Ever wonder what your guides have to say? The guides are wise helpers that are studying the earth plane with us. They are frequently helping us and showing up to help us, but sometimes they are difficult to hear.
Leanne will teach you what it means to be in contact with the subtle energies fields and how guides work. She will guide you through simple steps on connecting with these unseen helpers to get clarity and answers you are looking for.
Feeling like you have been struggling for too long? Having trouble seeing the path between the trees? What is the point of all this? What is the lesson? Are you done learning the hard way? Need to check in with your current situation? This guided healing is designed to help you to recalibrate your relationship with the struggle at hand and break through.
Based on the book Insightful Inspirations - Break Through. This is a digital file. It is infused with healing energy to guide you and enhance the experience. It is approximately 10 minutes long.