Getting “through” It
We have been living in a crazy time! As the energies are speeding up and changing, we are being shocked at our very foundations. Death and rebirth are coming into focus as a real part of the cycles of living on planet earth.
This energy is striking the ego in a big way. I don’t mean the boastful ego, but the ego that lives in separation. The ego that says “I am me and you are you.” The ego that needs things to be defined, predictable and clear. The ego that gets stuck in the story.
Clarity is what this is all about, but of course it doesn’t feel so clear as we are trying to get through it. It feels like a “funk” that you just can’t shake. You might feel “all over the place,” and just not capable of grounding or reaching a settled feeling.
Think of it as if you are closing your eyes and putting your face in the shower. You are cleaning things off, but you can’t watch it leave. Trying to make sense of the dirt you are washing off, thinking about how it got there, debating how you might prevent it from happening again is not going to get you clean. It will just drive you crazy while you are in the shower.
Stepping into the flow and allowing what is ready to leave, just leave by letting it go. Not always so easy for our ego minds. But this really is the only way to let real change happen.
Sometimes in life we just need to survive. Things feel crazy, out of control and just plain unbearable. So what do we typically do? We try to “fix it” and control the outcome. In the cycles of our lives, these crazy times can be the chance for big change, opportunity and growth. But just like any big change, the struggle is real and the fear of the unknown can get the best of you.
There are moments in life where there is nothing left to do other than protect yourself and weather the storm. The phrase "this too shall pass” comes to mind. You aren't safe to jump out into the storm and try and control it. You are simply meant to stay safe and out of the way. You can’t hug the tornado, but you can find a place where you can find safety and security and regroup.
Anxious feelings are common when you are going through a transition time, and your life is changing, even if it is for the better. Our emotions can help us work through the transition or keep us stuck, depending on what we choose to do with them.
If you harness and realize your emotions to inform yourself, you can recognize the negative feelings are about resistance to what is, because you are not in alignment with your authentic energy. If you use your emotions to drive a story deeper and reinforce the illusion that everything is happening to you, instead of with you, you will stay there for a while until you are sick of yourself and stop resisting.
Either way, you don’t want to stop the emotions you are experiencing. This is information, and stuffing your feelings causes illness. If you feel like a victim, go there for a minute. Be a victim, indulge in it! Then don’t! Then do. Then don’t.
Allow yourself to have some time with your feelings and see where they naturally flow without controlling it. This will work with the magic of these emotions, rather than turn them into toxic sludge in your system.
One resource I find super helpful is Esther and Jerry Hick’s work with Abraham, The Law of Attraction and The Emotional Guidance scale.
If you are feeling like you just can't stand up anymore, this is okay. Surround yourself with the people that fulfill and encourage your love for yourself. Take a step back, and really think about who in your life isn’t supporting that. Be with the people you feel the most love and support from. The more that you can find love for yourself, the more love you will have to give.
When you are feeling broken down, shelter yourself from the opinions, struggles, and chaos of the world that isn’t supportive. Let things blow over and return to a calmer state. Tony Robbins talks about the six human needs in relationships. One of them is feeling significant, feeling a connection and love and when you are feeling vulnerable, the relationships that meet these needs are who you need right now.
Set new boundaries for yourself during this time and be clear with your intentions, use your awareness to direct your thoughts, your perceptions, guiding them towards where you want to be going next. Taking a break can allow you time to be clear about self-care at this time and begin making choices that move you closer to your authentic self.
You will survive and if you don't you will get another chance in the next life…bad joke.
Here are some healing meditations to help you further.
Or join us for a live class! I am here to help
In this class, you will learn many different techniques on clearing, charging, and programing crystals. We will discuss magical traits of crystals like record keepers, keys, windows, enhydros and more!