Vibration Over Location: The Key to Manifesting Your Desires
Where will I meet my new love? Where should I move to? Where should I put my business? The thing that I want to get across to you it is not about location, it is about your vibration.
What's on your mind (and your body)?
Those thoughts you have in your head are constantly broadcasting within you. Who is your biggest fan and listener? Your body. Your body stores the information it receives from your emotional and mental fields and starts talking back. Your body is constantly sending you signals, whether you're paying attention or not, about what is going on in your mental and emotional life. It's time to tune in and start listening.
Rebirth (Again?!)
When is it time to reinvent yourself and start anew? How many times in our lifetime do we have to think about a new phase, a new process, a new you? Why do we even have to go there again and again? Because we are all about cycles, rhythms, and renewal. Our whole physical experience is about cycles and beginning and ending.
Step One: Identify the Habits of Identity
Thanks to the Rock Bottom
We have all heard the down and out stories of how people hit rock bottom and that was the catalyst for the rising up. We have heard those stories of triumph over the impossible negativity we see in the world. We are overcoming little "rock bottoms" all of the time. It is our success over our struggles that gives us the trust in ourselves to take risks and carry on. It is the success in our moments of weakness, that remind us of our strength.
Separation and Connection
Separation and connection are two fundamental aspects of human experience. We are separate individuals with our own unique thoughts, feelings, and set of experiences. Yet we create the reality of who we are as individuals through the eyes of others. Our lives are intertwined with the lives of others, and our actions have a ripple effect on the world around us and how we see ourselves in it.
The Energy of Betrayal - A Fifth Dimensional Approach
Let's get real, no one goes through life without the sting of betrayal. It is part of the journey we are on. As you become more aware of the concept that you create your own reality, you must also take responsibility for everything you experience as something you have created.
History Repeats itself
Although it is a cliché, it is absolutely true. We are playing out energetic patterns of reality we have implanted in our unconsciousness. We attract the same bad job, relationship, friends, etc. (or good ones) because of how we connect with that pattern of relationships.
Learn your lesson already!
We often dismiss the whispers. Why? Well, it can be for a variety of reasons, but mostly because we are stuck in one way of being. Until we are ready to adopt a new way of being, we tend to try and stick with our standard plans.
When something comes along and knocks you off of your axis, you tend to throw our arms up and say "why does this always happen to me?" You might try and still cling to the old way of being and responding, making it even harder on yourself and daring the universe to knock you over again. And undoubtedly it will.
Let's Face It - Better Out Than In
But here is the thing, our bodies are always helping us listen to our energetic health and what we are resisting or allowing. For example, when I am in a massage or physical therapy and they encounter a tight spot, my body flinches and protects the spot. It is painful and I don’t want to feel this pain. At this point in the massage, I have two choices, skip the spot or dig in deeper.
Changing so Much on the Inside
Many years ago, I was reading Dragonspell to my oldest son, when I ran across the perfect line. A line that I thought was so true I was inspired to blog on it. The line said "I'm changing so much on the inside. I keep learning things that seem to me I should have known all along."
How true this is? When you are in a self-transformation, the changes are happening in places no one can see, but everyone around you can feel. We are discovering things about ourselves and the world in a whole new way. Often, this new awareness and knowledge feel like things we should have known all along. Probably because we do know it, we just chose to keep it hidden until we were ready to remember.
Motivations and Intentions
I love my job! The conversations I have with the unseen helpers in our lives, always excite me. I am motivated by inspiration, intentions to help and the improvements I see in others.
I am not motivated by the concept of more. Torturing myself to perform unattainable goals set by others, but instead ushering myself into doing even more of what I love. So often I see people motivating themselves through fear or external validation. It keeps them from truly understanding what is theirs to manifest and their intentions are wishy-washy to the universe.
Sending love
The guidance I have received of “if you are not contributing love to it, you shouldn't put energy into it” can be challenging for me at times. They mean everything! In this fear-riddled world, with the media, the chaos, the intensity, sometimes love is challenging to offer.
The way I see it... I'm right and your wrong
Don’t be diminished by those around
Start by not diminishing others around you. Even if they are engaging in the shame, blame and judgment as a way to motivate you, don’t play. Go beyond those techniques of manipulation and control and start lifting yourself and other’s up.
If you struggle to do this, that is okay. Start somewhere. Notice that by just setting the mention to drop the need to be right all of the time, shifts your relationships and your life.
Taking Responsibility Without Beating Yourself up
Our thoughts are our magic, our intentions are spells cast to make them happen. Everything around you is something you have created. Good or bad...no exceptions. The key is to start taking responsibility for what you have created. Own it, use it for your highest good and the highest good of the planet...see what happens next.
The downside of knowing this is people often beat themselves up for what they are creating. They shame themselves into things instead of embracing the truth about the law of attraction. Shaming uses the law of attraction's power in a way that feels heavy with responsibility and actually blocks desires and manifestations.
Are those mine or yours? - Contagious Emotions
Emotions are seemingly the easiest things to share amongst friends; it's almost like a virus. One person feels happy and passes it on to the next and the next and so on. That is ideal... but not always how it goes.
More often, one person in line is angry and yelling at the cashier which puts you in a "what is wrong with people?" mood. This, in turn, may lead to you going home and yelling at your kids, which makes them mad at each other and so on. Emotions are contagious and the sooner we learn to recognize the difference between our emotions and the people we are with, the easier time we will have in knowing ourselves.
Manifesting what you are Worth
How can you manifest what you are worth if you don't know what you are worth and you aren't facing what is blocking you from that knowledge. Self worth is a great place to start in figuring out how you are blocked to manifesting what you want.
Mirrors of our Inner Truth - What you see is what you are.
For the most part people don’t see you, they see their idea of you, through their own filters of what they are. It is important to remember this when taking feedback from other’s or allowing other people to be the directors of your inner story.
On the flip side, it is also important for you to remember you do it too. Take ownership of your projections as your own inner truth and you have a whole new way of working with subconscious mind. Working with the subconscious mind, helps you see how your reality is being shaped by beliefs that you have, that you don’t even know you are manifesting from.
The Unknown - Threat or Opportunity?
People get falsely lured into thinking that if you just know what is coming next, you will be okay and things will go well. Even if we can see the tidal waves coming, we can't always escape being swept away by them. In fact, if you can see them, the chances are you are going to get swept away by them.
Let me tell you quite bluntly, the fear of the unknown is holding you back. You don't have to wait for all things to be clear to trust your gut. You don't have to ask yourself what will be, you just have to look around and see what is.
Our unconscious mantra creating our realities
An unconscious mantra is the things we say out loud or in our head to ourselves without even paying attention to what we are saying that works as an incantation or prayer to the universe. In other words the announcements we make out loud that bring more of the same into our lives. How do we identify these mantras and change them?
Don't spread the discontent
You have heard it a thousand times from me and other self-help guidance counselors to "think positive" or "love yourself first." Of course you know that is what you are supposed to do. So why aren't you doing it?