Motivations and Intentions
I love my job! The conversations I have with the unseen helpers in our lives always excite me. I am motivated by inspiration, intentions to help and the improvements I see in others.
I am not motivated by the concept of more. Nor am I interested in torturing myself to perform unattainable goals set by others. So often, I see people motivating themselves through fear or external validation. It keeps them from truly understanding what is theirs to manifest and their intentions are wishy-washy to the universe.
What do you motivate yourself with?
How are you motivating yourself to get to the next level in your life? How are you monitoring your progress on that goal? Is it healthy? Is it sustainable? Does it fill you up or drain you?
Setting intentions that don't require struggle and stress
Think of your desire for an outcome to be like purchasing a train ticket. For example, you want to find a job. You buy this ticket and get on the train of that intention. You trust that as you sit down on this train you are getting to your desired outcome. This doesn't mean you do nothing while on this train. But what it does mean is you have to stay on the train.
Don't look out the window to see if you are on the right track. Look out the window knowing you are enjoying the journey and know where you are headed. Don't stop the train and try to go somewhere else midway because you aren't sure you will get there. Keep steady on your intention. Know that you are on the right track if you are remaining loving, positive, and in alignment with yourself and your intentions. Keep your focus on the original intention as you proceed.
Waiting for a Sign
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
You might want to respond "Well when you buy a train ticket you know where you are going and that you will for sure get there. How do I know I will get to where I want to go? Every time I look for a sign that I am getting there, I don't see it."
Here is my response, "You can't buy a train ticket from California to Kansas and expect to see Kansas every time you look out the window. The landscape changes frequently as you travel to your intended destination."
We put out our intentions for things to happen, not realizing several landscape changes have to happen first to let that change take place. We get fearful as the changes happen. We doubt. We fret and we get impatient. All of this gets in the way of us allowing things to happen and flow as we have requested. The universe is back there in the manifesting kitchen, cooking up what you ordered and you are ready to leave the restaurant. Patience and willingness to see the subtle signs that things are progressing are necessary.
Self Reflection
What track of intention are you on? Are you watching the landscape change and allowing it to morph into the intention you have already set or are you trying to control it by trying to see too far ahead? If you have set an intentional destination for yourself, get on that train and trust it will take you there. Let yourself notice your own barriers to your travels and gently maneuver around them, allowing your life to make room for this intention you have set.
Document your successes, even the tiny ones! Continue to revisit your original intention as you make to-do lists and take action. Trust the universe is on your side. What is best for you and what is yours to have and learn is coming your way all the time. Keep your eyes open to those pieces that help you refine your intentions and your actions going forward. You’ve got this!