History Repeats itself

Image by Godon Johnson on Pixabay.

Although it is a cliché, it is absolutely true. We are playing out energetic patterns of reality we have implanted in our unconsciousness. We attract the same bad job, relationship, friends, etc. (or good ones) because of how we connect with that pattern of relationships.

We have energetic signs of how we want to be treated and attract people and situations in our lives that fill that request. You literally wear an energetic vibration that says “this is how you treat me.” Unfortunately, that sign might have been created a long time ago, with people who are traumatized themselves.

Change it up with Acceptance

So what if you keep attracting something you don't like? Wake up to it. Pay attention to what lesson you are trying to learn by presenting yourself with this situation over and over. Thank yourself for being persistent, rather than beating yourself up for not getting it.

Use loving acceptance to work with it. Set the intention that you want to face this issue on some level (if you didn’t, you wouldn't keep providing yourself the opportunity). Yes - you are that powerful!

Notice the pattern

The trick is to notice this pattern in all areas of your life. If you have a relationship issue where you keep attracting unavailable people into your life, notice what else you do this with. Maybe you attract unavailable job desires, unavailable friends, maybe you are even unavailable to yourself.

Notice the patterns that are playing out in your life that are no longer serving you. Ask your higher self to show you these patterns in a new light, so that you can learn your lesson and release it from your life. Then notice what comes up and where this pattern shows up. Sometimes the pattern even shows up in other people so you can see it outside of yourself.

Break the pattern by getting what it is trying to teach you, not by trying to "break a bad habit". Embrace the pattern rather than pushing it away, learn from it, and then let it go. When the lesson is done, it will stop repeating itself.

Ask a friend

Your friends have watched you attract the same things over and over. They might have some insight for you that you can’t see for yourself. Ask your friends to hold you accountable to the habits and behaviors you have been repeating that you would now like to shift.

Go towards what you want, not what you don’t. What experiences would you like to attract into your life? What do you want your future history to look like?

Sometimes it is a soul lesson

Yes, you might have signed up to learn this before you even slipped into that body of yours. Your struggles might be just what you ordered to learn and expand your consciousness. Don’t be too dismissive about that fact. You never know what you might find out about the world if you stop resisting it.

Go be amazing.


Grief and Growing


Toxic Positivity - The Dark Side of The Law of Attraction Movement