Choosing to be Happy or Toxic Positivity?
The self-help community talks a lot about being positive and using positive perspectives and perceptions to manifest. The books, tapes, and lectures all go over how your feelings can be changed to change your experience in any given situation.
But what if no matter what you do, you can't think positively? What if you are a totally connected person most of the time, but today you just can't see the good in the world? Is something wrong with you? Do you have a block? Are you losing your enlightenment? No, of course not. The human experience is designed to be a range of experiences. The good, the bad, the hard, the easy, all wrapped up into one giant box called life.
Changing so Much on the Inside
Many years ago, I was reading Dragonspell to my oldest son, when I ran across the perfect line. A line that I thought was so true I was inspired to blog on it. The line said "I'm changing so much on the inside. I keep learning things that seem to me I should have known all along."
How true this is? When you are in a self-transformation, the changes are happening in places no one can see, but everyone around you can feel. We are discovering things about ourselves and the world in a whole new way. Often, this new awareness and knowledge feel like things we should have known all along. Probably because we do know it, we just chose to keep it hidden until we were ready to remember.
Motivations and Intentions
I love my job! The conversations I have with the unseen helpers in our lives, always excite me. I am motivated by inspiration, intentions to help and the improvements I see in others.
I am not motivated by the concept of more. Torturing myself to perform unattainable goals set by others, but instead ushering myself into doing even more of what I love. So often I see people motivating themselves through fear or external validation. It keeps them from truly understanding what is theirs to manifest and their intentions are wishy-washy to the universe.
The Pull to the Truth
To me, we all have a pull to our own truth. A need to identify for ourselves what is and is not for us. We are always being called back to our higher, unified alignment. When we are ready to do it ourselves, your intuition guides you back.
As children, we start off looking at others for the truth but quickly begin to notice that there is a difference between our truth and those around us. It may cause us to rebel, act out, or conform to a way that isn't our true nature.
Sending love
The guidance I have received of “if you are not contributing love to it, you shouldn't put energy into it” can be challenging for me at times. They mean everything! In this fear-riddled world, with the media, the chaos, the intensity, sometimes love is challenging to offer.
The easy way out - or going with the flow?
Nature therapy is amazing for all of us. Doing some nature walks with a four-year-old takes it to a whole new level. I remember taking a nature walk with my four-year-old near a stream. As we were walking, I noticed how the water rushed quickly in spots, slowed in others, and meandered through the trees. I noticed how the stream took the path of least resistance, rather than a straight line of efficiency. I also noticed how open and curious he was, with no agenda.
This is how energy works too. If there is a block, energy flows around the block. This leaves a block, of course, but it keeps moving never-the-the less. When you are flowing you are growing and that is what we all want, right? So this blog is asking you to know yourself to grow yourself, the law of attention.
Energy Addictions and the Stories We Tell Ourselves
Not only do we tell our stories to others, but the stories we tell ourselves are the ones we can get most duped by. First, because we generally don't share our full stories with others we don't get called out on how false they are. Second, the voice we hear loudest is our own. Whatever the story is we tell ourselves, is the story we believe, defend and create in our lives.
Good Energetic Hygiene - How to clean your own aura
Good energy hygiene is key to protecting yourself from negative, harmful energies of the world. Working with your subtle energy fields every day can boost your immune system, strengthen your relationships and enhance your daily life. Here are a couple of tips on clearing out your energy, that you can do all on your own, in a matter of minutes.
Give as if you won't get anything in return
What are you giving someone else with expectations that they will do something in return? Try asking yourself, “Am I willing to give this, even if they don’t do anything with it?” Try giving things without expectations of anything in return. No strings attached.
Become aware of how often your motives for doing something for someone else, is for something in return. See if you can just give this week without expecting anything back.
In return, when things feel good to give, give more of it and say “Yes, thank you, more please” to the things that you are given and feel good to receive.
Manifesting what you are Worth
How can you manifest what you are worth if you don't know what you are worth and you aren't facing what is blocking you from that knowledge. Self worth is a great place to start in figuring out how you are blocked to manifesting what you want.
The Unknown - Threat or Opportunity?
People get falsely lured into thinking that if you just know what is coming next, you will be okay and things will go well. Even if we can see the tidal waves coming, we can't always escape being swept away by them. In fact, if you can see them, the chances are you are going to get swept away by them.
Let me tell you quite bluntly, the fear of the unknown is holding you back. You don't have to wait for all things to be clear to trust your gut. You don't have to ask yourself what will be, you just have to look around and see what is.
Guest Blog: Four Self-Care Tips to Help You Be the Best Version of Yourself
The term “self-care” is often misunderstood as being synonymous with selfishness. Many hardworking people who are no stranger to self-sacrifice find it hard to see where they could fit self-care into their lives while they’re trying to provide for others. But the truth is, not taking the time to take care of ourselves can lead to exhaustion and high amounts of stress, and it can strain our relationships. In other words, taking care of yourself helps you take care of others. Here are four self-care tips that will help you be the best version of yourself—both for yourself and for others.