5 Simple Self-Care Ideas for Introverts

If you’re an introvert, you know that being around other people for long periods of time can get exhausting! How can you balance spending time with your loved ones and practicing self-care? In the following article, we’ll take a closer look at how to find a job that leverages your strengths, prevents isolation, and more.

Revise Your Resume for Job Hunting

Maybe your current job has left you burnt out. Perhaps you work in a customer-facing job, and the pressure to be bubbly all day is draining, or maybe you don’t want to manage a large team anymore. Well + Good states that introverts often thrive in jobs like freelance writing, accounting, data science, or IT consulting.

To boost your chances of landing a rewarding new job that better suits your disposition, you’ll want to revise your resume prior to applying to any openings. If you haven’t tried a resume generator, try Adobe Resume Maker or Got Resume Builder. These may help make the process easier. Once you’ve found a template, you can fill in your job experience, touch it up with graphics and a color scheme, and even add a photo if you’d like.

Avoid Long Stretches of Isolation

What if you work from home? While working from home might feel like a comfortable arrangement for you as an introvert, it can also be isolating - and even the most introverted people need some social interaction! Make a commitment to getting out of your house at least once per day. You might also want to plan get-togethers with local coworkers, attend networking events for people in your industry, and close your laptop at a specific hour so that you don’t end up working late into the night.

Try Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are fantastic self-care practices that you can enjoy solo. If you’d like, you could also take classes where you can meet some like-minded people! You may want to follow along with yoga videos at home or download an app so that you can listen to guided meditations when you wake up and before you go to sleep.

Limit Social Media Usage

Why is social media use particularly damaging for introverts? Taking in information from so many people can prevent you from fully enjoying your “alone time.” When you’re bombarded by random opinions while scrolling, you don’t get to genuinely relax. Try tucking your phone in a drawer when you want to avoid these distractions. Minimize With Me also recommends deleting your apps from your phone, setting a timer to help you stick with your limits, and picking one day each week to completely avoid social media.

Join a Low-Key Social Group

What if you’d like to meet more fellow introverts who would understand your limits when it comes to socializing? You might want to look into groups that are centered around quiet activities. For example, you could join a local book club that meets up every couple of weeks. You could also join a group based on a crafty, creative hobby like knitting or writing! Hanging out with fellow introverts can be a lot of fun.

As an introvert, you might feel like the day-to-day demands of life take a bigger toll on you than your friends and family. You don’t have to compare yourself to extroverts - instead, focus on building routines and systems that support your needs. With these tips, you’ll be able to update your resume so that you can land your dream job, find ways to socialize while working from home, and cut down on your social media usage so that you can truly recharge.

Ready to transform your life? Leanne Holitza is here to guide you. Visit our website today to schedule your first coaching appointment.

Photo via Pexels


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