How to Feel Worthy, Even When Rejected
Unemployment, divorce, or any kind of life experience where you feel rejected can feel devastating to your manifesting space. If you let it, these kinds of experiences can leave you feeling victimized, wounded, and unworthy to have the world work in your favor.
There are periods when we can also get convinced people only like us for what we can give them, not because they authentically like us. We get angry because we feel used and alone in our most vulnerable times of need.
But this doesn't have to be a blow to the manifester inside and in fact, can actually strengthen your abilities to create an authentic life.
Don't Get Hooked In
But what happens when people are telling stories to themselves and others about you, that you don't notice or you aren't part of directly? Or when realities are being formed in other people's minds about you and your actions that don't match your reality?