Separation and Connection
Separation and connection are two fundamental aspects of human experience. We are separate individuals with our own unique thoughts, feelings, and set of experiences. Yet we create the reality of who we are as individuals through the eyes of others. Our lives are intertwined with the lives of others, and our actions have a ripple effect on the world around us and how we see ourselves in it.
Why am I surrounded by idiots?
People spend a lot of time in my office asking me "Why do I keep attracting this?!" The interesting part of the law of attraction, etc. is that the more we ask that question, the more opportunities we have to answer it with those things we keep attracting. We attract more and more of the things we find so irritating until we figure out why it is we find it irritating, to begin with.
This is a difficult concept for people to get when it comes to the teachings of this manifestation magic. They want to believe they are a victim of their life. Maybe because it is easier than taking full responsibility. Maybe it is because they don't know where to start if they have to think they are the point of focus. Or maybe it has something to do with fitting in with other people who are struggling to manifest the old ways. Whatever the reason people want to reject this idea, is the very reason they are having these experiences.
Changing so Much on the Inside
Many years ago, I was reading Dragonspell to my oldest son, when I ran across the perfect line. A line that I thought was so true I was inspired to blog on it. The line said "I'm changing so much on the inside. I keep learning things that seem to me I should have known all along."
How true this is? When you are in a self-transformation, the changes are happening in places no one can see, but everyone around you can feel. We are discovering things about ourselves and the world in a whole new way. Often, this new awareness and knowledge feel like things we should have known all along. Probably because we do know it, we just chose to keep it hidden until we were ready to remember.
Energy Addictions and the Stories We Tell Ourselves
Not only do we tell our stories to others, but the stories we tell ourselves are the ones we can get most duped by. First, because we generally don't share our full stories with others we don't get called out on how false they are. Second, the voice we hear loudest is our own. Whatever the story is we tell ourselves, is the story we believe, defend and create in our lives.
Manifesting what you are Worth
How can you manifest what you are worth if you don't know what you are worth and you aren't facing what is blocking you from that knowledge. Self worth is a great place to start in figuring out how you are blocked to manifesting what you want.
Mirrors of our Inner Truth - What you see is what you are.
For the most part people don’t see you, they see their idea of you, through their own filters of what they are. It is important to remember this when taking feedback from other’s or allowing other people to be the directors of your inner story.
On the flip side, it is also important for you to remember you do it too. Take ownership of your projections as your own inner truth and you have a whole new way of working with subconscious mind. Working with the subconscious mind, helps you see how your reality is being shaped by beliefs that you have, that you don’t even know you are manifesting from.
Charades and other pass times with your Guides
We are constantly getting signs, lessons, answers and messages from our guides and etheric helpers. Skeptics think this is all in people's heads. If that is true, let me tell you my head is SMART! Everything I hear your guides say for you is just right for you. Everything I hear them say for me is stuff I could never tell myself. So if that is all in my head, I am okay with that. Because it works. But for those of us with a little more open mindedness and willing to think beyond ourselves, hear me when I say, you are being heard and you are being answered.
Hearing the answers takes a few things besides just a clear head. Here are a few fun games to play with your guides to get the communication flowing.
Don't spread the discontent
You have heard it a thousand times from me and other self-help guidance counselors to "think positive" or "love yourself first." Of course you know that is what you are supposed to do. So why aren't you doing it?