Vibration Over Location: The Key to Manifesting Your Desires
Where will I meet my new love? Where should I move to? Where should I put my business? The thing that I want to get across to you it is not about location, it is about your vibration.
Just have a little fun, would ya?!
If you are struggling to find fun and play in your life, just ask the universe for a little help to bring more play into your day. Then just start to notice... and don't say no to any opportunity to have fun. Once you ask, the universe will present you with fun. Trust me on this. You just have to accept it.
Trust me, people like you more when you have "me" time. So when you start to put it out there to have more fun, the universe (and your loved ones) will conspire to help. They may not know it at first, but you just have to show them how much more fun you will be when you get to remember what fun is.
Be willing to fail at it too and see what happens. For example, maybe you want to try dancing, but you think you are a horrible dancer. Give it a try a couple times, if you are a horrible dancer and you have a terrible time, then quit and find something else. If you are a horrible dancer but you loved it, who cares what people think and do it anyway!
Make it your goal this week to have more fun and see what happens next!