When I first started teaching energy awareness classes, it was simply a group of people really wanting to learn to see what I see when I do healings. I was asked to start sharing what I know. This first class went on for over a year. I let the participants decide if we would continue each month until I finally had to put a cap on it. It was that much fun!

Fast forward to offering my second class, I let a couple of those students help me teach it. It was a good experiment for me and many of those graduates are very good clients of mine - ten years later! I had the privilege to see their lives transform for the better as they employed the tools that they learned in regard to managing their own energy fields.

Over the years of teaching people at various stages of their journey, I have discovered people need space to drop in and out of the process as their timeline allows. So, I have a formal curriculum now and have broken it down into parts. Part 1, 2, 3, and Advanced. This allows people to come along for the ride as they can, drop out if they need, and join back in when they are ready.

Throughout the years, people have made good friends and connections in these classes and enjoy experiencing phenomenal energy shifts together with like-minded people.

What is Energy Awareness?

My curriculum is a combination of things I have learned from others, read in books, and experienced personally and professionally. It is full of my own techniques, understandings, and stories of awakening that I share.

Energy awareness to me, is simply learning to listen. Listen beyond the visual and audio stimulus. Listen to your deeper thoughts. Listen to your guides. Listen to the synchronicity that is all around you responding to your consciousness and co-creating with you every day.

What is class like?

Class sizes are generally small (under 20 people) and exactly the people you are meant to learn with. We often times do a hybrid of virtual and in-person, so people from all over can join in.

Self-Healing 101 is 100% lecture and interactions. There are no stupid questions here. If you are thinking it, you aren’t the only one or someone else wishes they thought of it! I will teach you about your own energy fields, how to protect it, what can throw you off, and how to listen to energy and your guides. There is a 5-10 minute stretch break after the first hour.

In Energy Reading 102, the first hour is a lecture and, in the second half. you break out to trade listenings with your fellow classmates. You will listen to someone else’s energy for about 15 minutes and then switch off. I am always nearby, helping to nudge and guide. This is the class where you really get to see how interesting it is and discover what you can learn about another person by just listening.

In Intuitive Manifestation 103, the first hour is a lecture. In the second half, you are paired with a volunteer who has come to be listened to for 45 minutes. Here is where the real magic happens. Trust me, everyone can learn to do this and everyone is nervous to try it at first!

The advanced class is held workshop-style. We dive into requested topics on things such as astral travel, crystal grids, deprogramming, and more! These are topics and classes that you can pick and choose from, but require you to have attended Self-Healing 101 and Energy Reading 102 first - just so you have the basics down.

What can you expect after the class?

I can’t promise you any outcomes because everyone’s life is so unique. But I will say this, you can’t unlearn this stuff. Once you dive into the world of self-healing and your psychic machine, you will see things differently. You can’t hep it.

I have seen so many amazing outcomes from people taking this class. Some people have become professional healers themselves. But that isn’t the point of the program. It is to help you create a better perspective for your life and manifest all of your potential.

I have seen people become better parents, partners, employees, and co-creators of their optimized reality. Go read the reviews. They are super fun!

Are you ready to hear more of your subtle energy?

If you have made it to the end of this blog, you are ready for a shift in perspective. You know it is time for a change and you are part of that change. Come join us in co-creating a new vibration of awareness and love!


Working with My Stories to Manifest


Separation and Connection