Heart Chakra
Pay attention to your heart chakra and see what you can manifest. This is the chakra that is at the chest area somewhere around the heart, spins clockwise in a green color. This is where you store information about your affinity for things, being loved, lovable and loving.
Sympathy, Empathy and all Things in Between
If you are an empath, you know first hand how everyone is feeling because you feel it too. Empaths have the ability to sense a room with their own senses. They don’t just observe what is happening, they feel it. This can be a blessing and a curse.
The blessing is, you tend to be very compassionate and willing to see someone else’s side of things. The curse is you sometimes can’t tell the difference between your feelings and someone else’s. Learning to manage your empathetic side can turn this skill into a healing gift. Learn more about how to use this gift in my course on energy healing.
The balance of giving and receiving
There is a huge pot of energy we are all drawing on at any given time and it is infinite and abundant. We just have to remember to open up how we receive things and not be so focused on one particular place or person because we think we have “earned it.”