Your Energetic Intelligence
It has long been known that our cells and tissues generate electrical fields. However, the significance of those fields and our influence on them is still somewhat of a mystery. With the research in epigenetics and the influence our mind has on our bodies, we are beginning to see a new picture of how intelligent our energy fields are. It is an invisible force field around us, telling the world how to interact with us and influencing how we experience it.
Experts like Dr. Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton are teaching the world how to harness the power of their mind and bodies. As an energy healer, coaching people every day how to harness this power, I couldn’t be more thrilled to see all this work being done.
Some Simple Techniques
I highly recommend you check out the work of the two mentioned above. But you don’t have to read a whole book or do a ton of research to begin to harness the power of your energy field.
Step One - Arms Length Around You in All Directions
With intention in your imaginative space, picture your energy arms length around you in all directions. Be aware that sometimes you extend your bubble wide into the room or shrink them up into a little ball.
Step two - Open Yet Protected
With intention, imagine what you want to feel like and what you want the people around you to feel like when they are around you. Set the intention to offer that out to the world with openness, while using the intention that this will also protect you from negativity, etc. Sometimes you put up boundaries that are too intense or too weak. This impacts how people interact with you, how you use our energy and how you feel in various situations. It impacts your filter. By setting this intention you are managing the energetic interactions.
Make use of your mind, body, spirit connection
Consciously using your energy field is easy. The trick is to do it when you are under pressure. The best way to flex this muscle is to practice, so when the pressure comes, you already know how it feels to be balanced. Giving conscious attention to your energy, arms length around you, is all you really need. Acknowledging how you want to feel in your personal space and who you authentically are.
By doing this, you are using your own electromagnetic field to impact the space around you. This can impact the entire room. Just as an angry person can shift the energy of the entire room, a conscious aura can too.
This is more than a mind trick. This is a synchronization with who you are, what you intend and how you are feeling. If you practice understanding who you are, how to use intention and how to move yourself into peaceful feelings, when you are under stress, you can actually return to this state by using your awareness and electromagnetic field.
The Spirit Science channel on YouTube does a great job explaining some of these concepts. I recommend this video on the energy of the heart field.
Get to know Yourself
Part of the reason I wrote my book, Insightful Inspirations - Conversation starters for your authentic self, is because in my work I have noticed people struggle to know themselves. They have become collections of projections, programming and other people's judgments and often lose their sense of what gifts they want to bring to the world.
If you don't know who you are and trust yourself, it is hard to hold an energy field in a stressful situation. If someone more energetically committed to an intention influences your space, you will quickly switch back into autopilot. Practicing self awareness and understanding in calm, relaxed moments will help you hold your energy field when under pressure.
You are more powerful than you know
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I can't tell you how many times I have seen this work. One situation comes to mind over all others. I was working at a party, reading for a variety of people. While I was in a room working with someone, I felt a strong energy come over the house and then dissipate. When I returned to the group everyone was in a buzz because a neighbor had come over intoxicated and in distress.
Knowing how I work, the hostess asked me to go over with her to check on the neighbor. As I walked into the house a strong sense of despair and struggle came over me. I instantly adjusted my energy field to hold the vibration of peace and wellness.
She went into the back bedroom to find her neighbor crying uncontrollably. The host came out afraid and concerned for her wellbeing and asked if there was anything I could do. As I entered the bedroom, I maintained my peaceful energy field, not matching into the energy of worry and concern the others had.
Immediately the woman's eyes cleared up and she grabbed my hand. She began telling me her story and asking me to stay with her. The others left the room and I sat with the woman awhile. When she began to drift off to sleep, I left.
Unfortunately, her troubles returned when I left and wasn’t holding space for her. But this is a great example of how you can impact a situation for yourself, despite strong energetic chaos.
Play around with it yourself and see what you notice. See what experiences you can have. Remember to be authentic in the use of your energy field. Using your energy field to control or manipulate others is not the point. I have seen people misunderstand this power and turn their lives upside down misusing it.
I encourage you to be the person you intend to be and watch how the world responds.
Want to learn more about how to consciously use your energy field? Check out my energy awareness classes and materials.
You have manifested everything in your life whether you are aware of it or not. This course will teach you to shift from a position of unconscious creation to a practice of intentional manifestation so you can live in a world that thrills, delights, and surprises you.