Three Quick Ways to Shift the Energy of Worry

“I am worried about you.”

Kids, our friends, or family are all potential targets for our worry. We use it to express love and consideration. However, when you worry about someone, you are energetically saying "I don't trust you to be okay". Psychically you are sending them concerns about who, what, where, how they are. This psychic projection drops their energy down, potentially propelling them further into the issues they are in. 

Your thoughts actually weaken the person you are worried about. You are reinforcing any doubts they are having about their progress and victimizing them in their reality. I would venture to guess that was not your intention at all. 

How do I shift my paradigm?

What would be more helpful for the person you love and have concerns about, is to support them in their power. Psychically, with your thoughts, sending them energy to support them in getting what they need out of the situation.

Thinking about them while stating in your mind "you are perfect and powerful the way you are and I trust you to be okay.”. Energetically it is the difference between telling someone "you can do it" instead of "I hope you can do it". Which one sounds more supportive to you? Imagine how that would feel if someone did that for you, stopped worrying and started cheering you on.

Love with the energy of “you can do it!”

Love with the energy of “you can do it!”

Three quick ways to turn worry into support

  • Focus on what you want for the person, not what you view as a problem that is occurring.

  • Check your motives and be clear what is yours and what is really theirs to handle.

  • Check to see if you think the situation can change. If you think someone is caught in a life sentence of struggle, how could they ever feel empowered by your support?

Bottom-line, let that person know you trust them to be okay in the end. Think about how great it would feel if everyone around you said "you can do this" instead of "I hope you survive." 


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