Sound Experiences at The Healing Studio

Sound Baths

Sound from Himalayan Singing Bowls:

  • Entrains the brain to move into the Theta brain wave frequencies

  • Induce deep meditative and peaceful states

  • Clarifies the mind and intuition

  • Engages your relaxation reflex

  • Inhibits the stress or pain response

Raise Your Vibe

Through listening to Himalayan  Singing Bowls one's internal dialogue, aka the "inner critic" is quietened. Their sound synchronizes brain waves and enhances awareness of the mind/body connection. After an hour, the body and mind feel calm and peaceful...relaxed and rejuvenated.


Drum Circles

The healing benefits of drumming may include:

  • Reducing stress

  • Deep relaxation

  • Lowering blood pressure

  • Boosting the immune system

  • Helping control chronic pain

  • Releases negative feelings, blockages, and emotional trauma

Learn More

Find Your Beat

The practice of drumming gives us an opportunity to experience where we can be free to connect with ourselves and others, in order to release, restore and heal. It is a universal language where all people can be a part, free from words and Concepts, a space of self-discovery and expression.

No experience or skill necessary. All are welcome in our safe space at The Healing Studio.

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