Metaphysical Exploration
Oracle and tarot, energy healing, crystals, law of attraction, if you like metaphysics you should come check us out.
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Check out my book
The messages in this book come directly from work with guides and angels in the healing process with others. They are brought to you with the intention to give you deeper knowledge of yourself and how your energy is engaging with the universe.
This book can give you a quick answer when you need clarity, give you inspiration for your day or be a motivational topic for meditations. How this book serves you will be as unique as you are.
Give it a shot, ask it a question and watch the answers unfold.
Recorded Classes
Working with Ancestral Healing
Your cells hold great stories of wisdom and survival played out by your ancestors. The resilience of the people who came before you also holds painful stories and struggles that are not relevant to your present time, but sometimes still influence you in your day-to-day life. Learn to talk to those parts of yourself that are passed down and ready to be healed.
Introduction to Oracle Cards
Getting Answers
Oracle Cards are a great tool for accessing your higher self, your guides, and a world beyond your ego. They can be used to bring more benevolent energy into your life. This card reading class is designed to help you learn a few spreads and learn to read for yourself or your personal situations.
Bring your own deck.
Working with Your Shadow Self
Uncovering Your Unhealed Parts
In this workshop, we will discuss the concepts of shadow exploration and how people are holographic reflections of your shadow self. We will then explore how to identify shadows within your own consciousness and to begin to shift them out of the darkness and into the positive flow of your life.
Psychic Protection
The Five Basic Tools of Protection
Feeling overly sensitive or attacked by the world around you? It isn't all in your head. This simple technique of using five tools of protection allows you to cleanse your aura and protect your subtle energy fields so you can begin to work from your authentic energy and not the projections of others.
How to Connect with Your Guides
Ever wonder what your guides have to say? The guides are wise helpers that are studying the earth plane with us. They are frequently helping us and showing up to help us, but sometimes they are difficult to hear.
Soul Contracts
Getting into the Spiritual Root of Relationships
Soul contracts are agreements between two or more individuals who made pre-incarnation just before conception. The theory behind soul contracts is that we create these contracts to expand our relationship with our own consciousness and begin to work back to oneness consciousness. Souls choose relationships and family ties based on lessons they wish to learn in human form. Making soul contracts before birth gives souls a blueprint to use to advance their spiritual growth objectives, even when they forget the contracts were made in the first place.
Healing Your Past Lives
A pathway to soul expansion and Expression
Past life healing is a practice that roots in the idea that we live many lives and through that process, we end up with residue from those lifetimes. It is the idea that whatever experiences we had in our previous incarnations imprint on our soul memory and impact our present life.
In this class, we will discuss the concept of past lives, the different ways to access the information about past lives, and the basic ways to heal your past lives through awareness and intention.