What can't you live without? - Attachments

Releasing the intense energy of attachment. 

What do you need? Have you ever really asked yourself that? Not what do you want, but what do you need? 

This can be a profound exercise. If you sit down and write down what is necessary for you to live, your goals might shift, your fears might change, you might be able to live a life that feels freer. 

Think about this... not just food and water. But could you survive without your home, Your car? How about love? Connections? How about your accomplishments? What if you never "accomplished" another thing? How would you feel?

You may begin to  notice what you fear to lose most (i.e. your house, your spouse, your life...) All is really a deeper fear of losing something more. A part of yourself. 

Dive Deeper


Holding on too tightly can cause things to unravel.

For example, let's say you are fearful of losing stability in your work life. Why are you really afraid of losing your job? Drill down... Are you afraid of losing your housing? What would happen when you lost your housing or other material things? What would happen?? Maybe you are afraid, afraid that your family might lose security. So the real issue is that you are afraid to lose your job because you are afraid to lose your security. Take that a step further and ask yourself, does your job really make you safe? Not if you are afraid of losing it.

So just take a moment and think about what you really need. Ask yourself the question twice. Do I really need this or do I just want it? It is okay to just want something, but when you take the need part out, it provides it more energetic freedom. 

The energy receives more room to grow, rather than having you hold on to it so tight you won't allow it to do anything. Freedom comes when we are no longer afraid of losing those things that we think we need and realize that we always have what we need and always will. Then look at all the great stuff we want to have, that we do have! This is a place of gratitude, but also a place of letting go.

This is a quick little video on worry and why you don't want to do it to the people you love. www.insightfulinspirations.com

I need love. I know that is the one thing I can not live without. Love from friends, family, and life. Share in the comments what you are attaching to right now.


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