Heal the Unhealed Empath - Techniques that Don't Work

Image by Zdeněk Tobiáš from Pixabay

An unhealed empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the emotions of others, but who has not yet developed the skills to manage their empathic abilities healthily. This can lead to several problems, including:

  • Feeling overwhelmed and drained by the emotions of others.

  • Struggling to set boundaries and say no to others.

  • Taking on the responsibility of fixing other people's problems.

  • Having difficulty expressing their own needs and feelings.

  • Experiencing anxiety and depression.

There are many things that empaths do to try to heal themselves, but some of these things are counterproductive. So let’s talk about the things you might have tried to heal your inner empath, that won’t work without learning more about your energy system.

1. Learning to close your feelings down.

One of the worst things that empaths can do is to try to ignore their feelings and the feelings of those around them. This is because when an empath is unhealed, they don’t actually know the difference between what they are feeling and what someone else is. When they just try to shut this skill down, it causes a build-up of foreign feelings which can lead to even more overwhelm or anxiety.

2. Looking to external sources for advice.

Empaths often feel a strong need to help others but also might be drawn to get help from outside sources too much. They might give their power away to professionals or people they think have the answers they don’t have. It is great to seek advice, but if you don’t have a container within yourself to receive this help more fully, nothing will stick.

3. Over-extending themselves.

Empaths often say yes to things, even when they don't have the time or energy. They also might go all in on an area they do feel successful in and overdo that one topic. This can lead them to overwork themselves in an unhealthy way. For example, being a workaholic or an exercise addict. It is great to find things you love and succeed in, but it is also about balance.

4. Not taking care of themselves.

Empaths often neglect their own needs to take care of others. This is a recipe for disaster. Empaths need to make sure that they are taking care of their physical and emotional needs. This includes eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising.

5. Isolating themselves.

Empaths often feel like they need to isolate themselves from others to protect their energy. However, isolation can make empaths feel worse. Empaths need to learn to find healthy ways to connect with others without feeling drained.

What to do instead

  • Learn to ground yourself and the other four tools of psychic protection. Grounding is a technique that helps you connect with the earth and release negative energy.

  • Learn about the threats to the energetic system. Knowing what hooks you in to causing damage your own aura can help you avoid and repair yourself when you encounter these common threats.

  • Learn about your energetic anatomy. Just like learning how to brush your teeth and floss them, if you know about your energetic anatomy you can better understand how to keep it clear and heal it.

  • Seek professional help. If you are an empath and you are struggling to heal, it is important to seek professional help. Energy healers can help you develop coping mechanisms and learn to manage your empathic abilities.

Being an empath is a gift, but it can also be a challenge. You can empower yourself as an empath by learning more about yourself as an energetic being.

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