The Throat Chakra

Chakras are just energy centers in our bodies. We use different sources of energy in order to be and manifest in the world. There are several schools of thought regarding chakras, so I am writing from my own experiences and awareness, not from a specific school of thought.

By paying attention to energy fields, you send an intention to yourself and your energy to rise to a conscious level of manifestation. You can then use that awareness and intention to refine your energy fields and become a more conscious creator.

The throat chakra is the energy center that governs communication. It is about speaking your truth and allowing your other energy centers to communicate through you and out to the world. It also involves internal dialogue and the things we tell ourselves.

The Issues

When the throat chakra is blocked, people have difficulty communicating. They often struggle to both be heard and listen to others. It could be a life-long issue, or one that began from circumstances. Here are a couple external issues that could impact the throat chakra.

  • Argumentative relationships

  • Extreme expectations from others that conflict with the authentic self

  • Loud environments

  • Strong external authority figures

There are many indicators of over active or under active throat chakra. Primarily you are looking at your ability to be heard or listen. 

The Emotions

The emotions of a blocked throat chakra often relate to those of being rejected or misunderstood. If your throat chakra is moving in the direction of becoming blocked you might feel anger and frustration that causes you to want to yell or write angry letters. Once your throat chakra is fully blocked, you often feel isolated and lose the desire to even try to understand someone else's point of view. 

Physical Symptoms

The physical symptoms of a throat chakra imbalance are easy to see. Often the  shoulders are pulled up around the ears to protect the voice.

When you have an imbalance, many symptoms can come up. Just to name a few:

  • Neck pain

  • Ear ailments such as vertigo, earaches and tinnitus

  • Pain in upper arms

  • TMJ problems

When a body is talking to you about an imbalance though pain or discomfort, give it attention in a loving way. We often try and shame and force bodies back into functioning properly. Instead, love it first and ask what it needs.

The People in Our Lives

People can plug into our chakras and draw off energy from us. They can do this while in our presence or not.

Often people will draw energy from the fifth chakra because they desire others to see their side of things or be a voice for them out in the world. Someone might also plug into your throat chakra if they have difficulty being heard and perceive you to have a voice of influence.

Listen to Your Body - Healing Meditation

People who want you to tell them you approve of them can also hijack your fifth chakra. These people will be reaching out for you to say the "right" things to them and often express anger toward you even when they're getting what they want because they're not drawing on their own internal sources.

The Balancing Act

So how do you balance all this out? Meditation is always a great way to tune into your energy systems.

But if you are not a big meditator, here are some other ideas.

  • Surround yourself with people who are good public speakers and/or communicators

  • Create time in your day to journal to your inner self

  • Go on a hike and listen closely to all the sounds around you

  • Socialize with friends you feel heard by

  • Chant HAM (mantra for sacral chakra)

  • Visualize your throat and ears opening up to new possibilities of seeing and hearing the world

There are many videos and meditations out there. This one is a sound healing tuning up all the chakras. 

Affirmations for the fifth chakra

  • "I am heard.”

  •  “I can speak my truth.”

  •  “I express myself well.”

  • “I express my truth through my actions as well as my words.”

  • "I easily hear others and feel safe communicating my needs as well.”


Solar Plexus Chakra


The Sacral Chakra