Kid's Chakra Clearing


Kid's Chakra Clearing - A recording of a chakra meditation we do in kid's energy class. The children will be energetically walked through a chakra clearing using the visualization of an elevator. The kid's in my class love this technique and it is short enough to get the job done and not lose their attention. MP3 file

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Kid's Chakra Clearing - A recording of a chakra meditation we do in kid's energy class. The children will be energetically walked through a chakra clearing using the visualization of an elevator. The kid's in my class love this technique and it is short enough to get the job done and not lose their attention. MP3 file

Kid's Chakra Clearing - A recording of a chakra meditation we do in kid's energy class. The children will be energetically walked through a chakra clearing using the visualization of an elevator. The kid's in my class love this technique and it is short enough to get the job done and not lose their attention. MP3 file

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