Routines ... slave or master?
I once was visited in a dream state, by a bunch of masters of various lineages. They explained to me that every action we take, keeps us stuck in a specific perspective. They shared with me that the more we do the same things over and over, the more solid that reality becomes. Therefore, if we want something to change, we must consider what we are doing to keep it in place.
My Routine Busted
When my kids were little, I became a new, full-time, stay-at-home mother due to a layoff from my corporate job. My husband went out of town for work one week and during that time I realized what a gift it was to be broken out of my routine.
That week didn’t go as planned at all, of course. My oldest didn’t have school one day and then came down with the stomach flu. This was all not routine for me. I was used to drop-offs and heading to work to get to my meetings and many planned tasks. I was used to predictable expectations and using skills I easily had. Stay-at-home mothering was not at all predictable or easy.
So how did I handle it? For the most part, well. I observed how most of my routine was just part of a desire to keep what I like in life and avoid the rest. This was also a time when I was emerging into understanding my intuitive gifts, which were once hidden in the “have tos” and “shoulds” of climbing the corporate ladder.
As my week unfolded, I made many discoveries. I discovered my second child was a huge blabber mouth when his brother wasn’t around. I learned that I can have fun with my kids without an agenda. I learned that sitting at a desk job was making me tired and out of shape. I learned that I am so much more than just the roles I play. My soul essence is flexible and open to life and loves every minute of it! I needed that reminder, by breaking out of routine.
Review your Routine
You might not even know it, but you might be a slave to your routines. They may be running you, instead of you running them. Take a minute to consider the new experiences you want to have. Take a moment to see your life through a different perspective. Drive a different direction to work. Drink something different with lunch. Be spontaneous and tell the universe what you want. Find the magic in going off the trail of your life and see what gets revealed.
There maybe nothing wrong with your routines. They maybe helping you hold your health in place or get things done. You might be able to improve your routines by looking into this.
Check in with how easily (or not) you could give things up or switch them around. Notice your nature to hold things in a predictable space. How do you let them dictate your life? Are you doing it out of enjoyment or desperation to make sure you are safe and secure with what you "know"? Notice if you are the master of your routines or the slave.
Your True Nature
You might find that you are doing things only because you accidentally fell into a pattern. Your true nature might even be hidden from yourself. As I began to let myself unpack my “have tos” and “shoulds” of life, I found out I am a pretty darn good healer and that is my calling.
I still have to force myself out of my comfort zone once in awhile. But when I really want change, I just go and see what the universe drops at my feet. It is usually very magical.
I hope this inspires you! Below is one of the transmissions from The Light Council Project that might help you tune in to your true nature a little more.
To learn more about The Light Council Project visit